› added 3 years ago


TIL the internet's first uploaded image was of the joke band Les Horribles Cernettes (LHC), an all-girl group comprised of girlfriends & assistants of CERN employees. One chorus went "You never spend your nights with me / You don't go out with other girls either / You only love... your collider"

wMOM TIL the most isolated human being ever was Al Worden, command module pilot of Apollo 15, who in lunar orbit was at a maximum distance of 2,235 miles from his fellow astronauts on the surface. While on the other side of the Moon, no communication with Earth or his comrades was possible.
lodxK TIL that there is an actual metal pole that marks the south pole. Aside from the ceremonial pole, there is a much smaller pole that must be replaced regularly to account for changing conditions.
8K0G TIL that Mozart heard a starling at market whistling an unpublished tune he was working on – he bought the starling to preserve secrecy, recorded the melody it sang in his notebook, and gave it an elaborate funeral when it died three years later.
1n87 TIL that Roger Corman, low-budget B movie director, helped kick start the careers of Martin Scorsese, James Cameron, Francis Ford Coppola, and Ron Howard. He reportedly told Howard, “If you do a good job on this film, you’ll never have to work for me again”.
jNyZn TIL the Yiddish song "Bei Mir Bistu Shein" was a smash hit in Nazi Germany where pro-Nazi sympathizers in ale-houses often sang the tune under the mistaken impression that it was "a Goebbels-approved" ballad.