› added 7 years ago


TIL of the Plum Island Pink House. The wife in a divorcing couple forced her ex-husband to build a replica of their family home as part of the divorce settlement. She didn’t specify the location, so he built it in the middle of a salt marsh and plumbed it solely with salt water. It’s uninhabitable.

kOG6m TIL Before Chesley Sullenberger and The Miracle on the Hudson Capt. Carlos Dardano landed a 737 on a narrow levee in New Orleans after the engines flamed out in a rainstorm in 1988. Capt. Dardano also only had one eye from when his plane was shot at during the civil war in El Salvador.
OolGa TIL that London is farther north than Calgary, Montreal is south of Paris, and despite being 20° further north, Reykjavik’s average temperature in January is warmer than Boston’s average temperature. The reason for milder European climates than equivalent cities in North America is the Gulf Stream.
Eg9wd TIL the 4 or 5 digit code printed on the sticker attached to your produce is universal, so your banana will be labeled with 4011 almost everywhere you buy them. The standards are set by an international coalition of companies.
nWrgr TIL in 1990 an 8 year old girl with cerebral palsy named Jennifer Keelan left her wheelchair and crawled up the steps of the U.S. Capitol Building to urge Congress to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act which had been stalled in committee. It was signed into law a few months later.
b9xN9 TIL that despite being a huge and popular music icon for several decades, Prince was only 5'2" (158 cm) in height.