› added 6 years ago


TIL Muon Tomography used to find a new chamber in the Gaza Pyramid was also used by Toshiba and the US Los Alamos Nat. Lab. to assess the situation inside the damaged reactors at Fukushima Daiichi

Lkjxm TIL 8 people were killed while protesting NYC's cancellation of a protestant parade in 1870. When the city reversed course and let the parade proceed with an escort of 1500 policeman and 5000 national guardsmen, it turned into another riot that killed 60 and wounded 120.
kLL4 TIL in 1975, a 15-year-old girl was beaten to death, with the primary suspects in the murder being Kennedy-Cousins Thomas and Michael Skakel. Although Michael Skakel was overheard in 1978 stating, “I’m going to get away with murder. I’m a Kennedy”, it was not until 2002 that he was convicted.
kO9Xm TIL that a butcher in Vienna, Austria made Sausages he learnt in Frankfurt, Germany, changing the recipe slightly and called them "Frankfurter". It got so famous that the world (including Germany) calls them Wiener now apart from the people in Austria who call it Frankfurter.
9epm TIL Japanese honey bees defend against Japanese giant hornets by forming a tight ball around the offending hornet. Vibrating their wings, the bees create and direct enough heat to the centre of the formation that it becomes lethal to the hornet.
mxg1v TIL Roddy Piper improvised the "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.... and I'm all out of bubblegum," line from They Live. John Carpenter told Roddy that he wasn't gonna rob the bank, but he was holding a shotgun and wearing sunglasses, so he needed to say something.