› added 4 years ago


TIL that in Nazi Germany, the founders of Adidas and Puma (The Dassler brothers) secretly gave Jesse Owens a pair of track shoes that helped him win 4 gold medals for the Americans in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. This gift is said to have spared their factory from destruction from Allied forces.

6xyQ TIL The term ‘Rat Pack’ was coined by Lauren Bacall. After a long night of partying in Las Vegas with Humphrey Bogart, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, and Angie Dickinson, Bacall surveyed the party’s aftermath and declared to it’s participants, “You look like a goddamn rat pack.”
jlya TIL actor John Hurt played polar opposite roles in both 1984 and V for Vendetta, first as Winston, the protagonist being oppressed by Big Brother in 1984, and then as High Chancellor Sutler, the Big Brother-like oppressor in V for Vendetta.
D1QbV TIL Robert Rodriguez & John Malkovich made a movie called "100 Years" that will be released when a high-tech safe automatically opens on November 18th, 2115. 1,000 guests possess metal tickets for a viewing, which they may pass down to their descendants.
4X1Lb TIL that government agencies such as the FDA and EPA have valued human life at around $10 million. They use this to assess how much money to spend on different programs.
BrRpx TIL China has the world's biggest deep sea fishing fleet that strip mines the world's oceans. The Chinese government heavily subsidises the fleet. China accounts for a third of world consumption. The seas around China have virtually no fish left but the commercial fishing fleet is still huge.