› added 4 years ago


TIL how Native Americans could easily take down the mighty buffalo. The buffalo’s lungs share the same compartment (unlike humans who have two separate compartments). So when an arrow/spear pierces the Buffalo’s lung cavity (pleura), both lungs collapse, bringing the buffalo down swiftly.

GYxp4 TIL of Burj Al Babas - an abandoned $200m village in Turkey consisting of hundreds of Disney-style castles.
b9AJQ TIL that in 2001, in an attempt to mitigate the HIV and AIDS pаndemic, King Mswati III of Eswatini (Africa's only absolute monarch) banned sexual relations for girls under 18 for a 5-year period. 2 months later, he chose a 17 year-old to become his 13th wife. He was fined a cow, which he duly paid
Lk7L0 TIL A factoid was originally defined as a piece of information that's commonly believed to be true, but which is actually false. For example, the idea that the Great Wall of China can be seen from space by the naked eye is a factoid
9OXM TIL that a cabbie told Bill Murray that he was frustrated that he drove 14 hours a day and didn’t have enough time to practice playing his saxaphone. So Bill Murray drove the cab while the cabbie sat in the back and practiced.
loNZB TIL Swedish Painter Hilma Af Klint is considered to have invented abstract painting and was supposedly led to do so by a group of spirits called the "High Masters" that she contacted at séances. She left instructions that her work can only be displayed 20 years after her death at a special temple.