› added 4 years ago


TIL about The Gospel of Wealth, an 1889 article by Andrew Carnegie that became a guiding philosophy for philanthropy as a moral obligation for the wealthy to spend their fortunes helping others that became a trend and expected of the very successful. He said: "He who dies rich, dies disgraced."

1nO8 TIL a man named Vincent Ocasla has created a fully functional “flawless” Sim City 3000 game spanning 1.5 years of theory and planning, followed by 2.5 years of construction. He is considered to have “beaten” the game.
kvb1 TIL Richard Nixon once asked a man at Ghana’s Independence Day celebration “How does it feel to be free? The man answered: "How should I know?” “I come from Alabama.”
0wPo1 TIL that in 1945 Myanmar, 900 Imperial Japanese soldiers crossed through 10 miles of mangrove swamps that contained saltwater crocodiles in an attempted retreat from the Royal Navy. Less than 500 Japanese soldiers are known to have reached the end of those swamps.
6Ej1X TIL that humans can regenerate some of their organs through a process called compensatory hypertrophy. When part of the liver is removed or destroyed, the remaining portion grows to the original size and allows the liver to function as it did before. Kidneys and lungs can also similarly compensate.
6E0QY TIL about William Price, a Welsh doctor known for his nationalism, labor advocacy, nudism, and practice of Neo-Druidism. He believed his destiny was to liberate Wales from English rule, thought socks were unhygienic, and named two of his children Iesu Grist, which is Welsh for Jesus Christ.