› added 4 years ago


TIL that there has only been one Pharaohs tomb ever found in Egypt untouched by grave robbers. Hint its not King Tut. Its the Silver Pharaoh Psusennes I.

Wkj7B TIL the Japanese Shinkansen train network opened in 1964 and consists of 1,717 miles of track with trains reaching 200 MPH or 320 KM/H. Over the Shinkansen’s 50 year history there have been over 5.6 billion riders & not a single death or injury due to accident.
e0aOb TIL that Baywatch's fans were predominantly women. 65% of viewers were female, with its number-one audience being women aged 18 to 34. It turns out that the female viewers liked that the show's lead characters were strong, independent, heroic women who were saving lives and were equal to the men.
0YW1 TIL a couple people in Bath, UK opened a very short toll road connecting Bath and Bristol around a year ago. The toll road, which did not get a permit to be built, bypassed a short section of a main road that had a 14 mile long detour. They built the road in only 10 days.
xg0b TIL that Patrick Stewart signed a 6-year contract for “Star Trek: The Next Generation” because he, his agent, and others with whom Stewart consulted all believed that the new TV show would quickly fail, and he would return to his Shakespearean career after making some money.
WkBeB TIL that A 1983 April Fools' Day edition of the Durand Express, reported that "dihydrogen oxide" had been found in the city's water pipes,and warned that it was fatal if inhaled,and could produce blistering vapours.The dihydrogen monoxide parody involves calling water by an unfamiliar chemical name.