› added 10 years ago


TIL There is a cloud of alcohol in space spanning 288 billion miles; contains enough to produce 400 trillion trillion pints of beer.

9lLM TIL that Secretary of State James Forrestal’s death was ruled a suicide even though there were signs of a struggle, he was found thrown from a closed window with a cord around his neck and left a suicide note that was in someone else’s handwriting
9Y1Br TIL in 1997 CBS outbid ABC for the 9th season of "Family Matters" for $40 million and a deal for 22 episodes, switching to their network. The move failed to steal away Friday night from ABC, and CBS cancelled the sitcom, making it the final season.
XE5ER TIL that during WWI, British newspapers falsely claimed that the Germans rendered down soldiers' corpses to make soap, candles and nitroglycerin. As a result, when news of the Holocaust reached Britain during WWII, the government assumed it was another made-up atrocity story.
5Von8 TIL SN 1006 was a supernova that is likely the brightest observed stellar event in recorded history. Visible in 1006 AD, it was described by observers across China, Japan, modern-day Iraq, Egypt, and Europe, and was recorded in North American petroglyphs.
p8Vgp TIL The earliest depiction of Jesus was mocking graffiti carved into marble by a mischievous student to tease another student named Alexamenos, who was apparently a devout Christian. Jesus is drawn with the head of a donkey, because Romans believed Jews worshipped Donkeys.