› added 1 year ago


TIL: In 2015, a team of Italian scientists at the University of Trento made spiders produce stronger webs by spraying them with water infused with nanotubes and graphene. These super spider webs were stronger than Kevlar.

DQKkp TIL Benazir Bhutto (11th, 13th PM of Pakistan) and Liaquat Ali Khan (1st PM of Pakistan) were both assassinated in the same park and rushed to the same hospital. The doctor who attempted to revive Bhutto in 2007 was the son of the same doctor who tried to revive Khan in 1951.
kObdd TiL about the "World Passport" scam which has been running since 1954 and is still running today.
loZ4a TIL that the first free black community in the New World, Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose, was created by the Spanish government of St Augustine, Florida, in 1738. They began to offer asylum as early as 1687 to slaves of the British colonies, and often fought the British alongside each other.
Wk1kN TIL that name of The Three Musketeers candy bar was inspired by three different flavored pieces in each package (chocolate, strawberry and vanilla). Rising costs and WW2 restrictions on sugar led to consolidation into a single chocolate bar.
rRogM TIL FDR is the only physically disabled person to be US President. Paralysed from the waist down, ramps for his wheelchair were installed at the White House. This was hidden from the public. In speeches he used his head to make gestures because his hands were gripping the lectern to remain upright.