› added 7 months ago


TIL that during the filming of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ in 1939, asbestos was used in several elements of the production, including the snow effects and the Scarecrow’s costume. Despite being aware of the health risks associated with asbestos, it was still utilized in the movie.

QmXa TIL that the scene in Terminator 2: Judgement Day where a helicopter flies under an overpass was not CGI, it was stunt performed by helicopter pilot Chuck Tamburro. The stunt was so dangerous that the film crew refused to film it, so James Cameron had to film the sequence himself.
P1nYJ TIL That a Bible was published in the 17th century without "not" in the sentence "Thou shalt not commit adultery", changing the sentence into "Thou shalt commit adultery". It became know as the "Wicked Bible".
jNYJj TIL that Lawrence Moore Cosgrave, a Canadian Colonel and diplomat, signed on behalf of Canada on the Japanese Instrument of Surrender. However, Cosgrave signed the document in the wrong place (on the line for France) forcing all subsequent signatories to sign in the wrong place as well.
9Yx1G TIL that Richard Feynman created an assembly line of female mathematicians to simulate a computer during the Manhattan Project because the actual computers from IBM were delayed in arriving to Los Alamos. Turns out their "system" could calculate just as fast (just not round-the-clock).
KM9 TIL There is a wheelchair tennis player who is on a 457-match winningstreak. She won 42 grand slam titles & 5 Paralympic titles and is often mentioned as the most dominant player in professional sports.