› added 1 year ago


TIL about the only double barrel cannon in the world. When it was its first tested during the American Civil War, the chain snapped immediately and one ball tore into a nearby cabin, knocking down its chimney; the other spun off erratically and struck a nearby cow, killing it instantly.

ZpZYp TIL the Australian language Ngan'gi (Ngan’gityemerri) has more than fifteen genders, including masculine human, feminine human, vegetables, drinks, canines, non-canine animals and two different genders for spears
LaOp TIL a nurse named Sandra Clarke had to leave a terminally ill patient alone when asked to stay. When she returned, the patient had passed away from multi-organ-failure. No One Dies Alone was then created, a charity where volunteers sit with terminally ill lonely patients. it’s now international.
0BlM TIL that Anna Jarvis, founder of Mother’s Day holiday, later became unhappy with its commercialization and began organizing a petition to rescind Mother’s Day. She was placed in a sanitarium, and people connected with the floral and greeting card industries paid the bills to keep her there.
QJmaX TIL After making a series of vital reforms that prolonged the life of the Roman Empire, emperor Diocletian retired to his hometown and took up gardening. When asked to return, he refused, saying he wouldn't give up the pleasure of planting cabbages with his own hands for anything in the world
oR1VW TIL the earliest known human name belonged to an accountant in Sumer called Kushim. Kushim also made the first recorded math error in human history