› added 3 years ago


TIL that the movie Scram! (1932) was banned in the Netherlands because two male actors sit on a bed with a woman to whom they were not married. Censors felt this was "indecent". Today the film is not banned.

0dWJj TIL that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger waited until his last day in office to announce the commutation of convicted killer Esteban Nuñez, the son of a powerful political ally, and then gave this explanation: “Of course you help a friend.”
OoaM6 TIL due to the octopus's intelligence, they and all other cephalopods are the only invertebrates that need to be anesthesised before surgery.
mP1M TIL The back of the tin for Boston Harbour Tea carries this lament: “This Tea is from the same London blending House which in the Year of Our Lord 1773 had the Misfortune to suffer a Grievous Wrong in that certain Persons did Place a quantity of its Finest Produce in Boston Harbour.”
RlA1 TIL that the longest anyone has ever survived in a shipwrecked raft was 133 days by a Chinese man named Poon Lim. He survived the ordeal by fishing, drinking bird blood, and killing a shark with a jug of water. He died exactly 23 years ago at the age of 72.
v15bR TIL America's largest Confederate monument is Stone Mountain, Georgia. It's over 800 ft tall and 1.5 miles wide, draws 4 million visitors a year, and has a relief covering one face of the mountain that depicts three leaders of the Confederacy – Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Jefferson Davis.