› added 9 years ago


TIL an Ebola outbreak in Atlanta, a toxic explosion in Louisiana and a police shooting were all faked by armies of Russian social media accounts and knockoffs of US news sites posting fake eyewitness stories, screenshots, photos and videos of fake American crises.

WkpaX TIL the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz series was once a man named Nick Chopper. A witch cursed his axe causing it dismember him over time. He then had each bit replaced until he was completely metal. Upon encountering his surviving human head, they argue as to which one is the real Nick.
Z8RGY TIL The Costume Museum of Canada holds more than 35,000 textile artifacts reflecting clothing worn over a 400-year period. However, it was on the edge of bankruptcy and closed its doors to the public in 2010
Oo6x1 TIL of André Tchaikowsky, a Polish pianist who donated his skull to the Royal Shakespeare Company after his death, as he wanted it to be used for Yorick in productions of Hamlet. It took 26 years for his wishes to be realized as no one wanted to use it. In 2008, David Tennant finally used it.
dDYxr TIL about Prussian Heinrich Berger, an officer of the imperial German army and honored with the title of "Father of the Hawaiin music". He collaborated with King Kalakaua to create Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī, the national anthem of Hawaiʻi.
j6V9n TIL that the difference between a roth and traditional IRA is that you contribute taxed dollars to a roth IRA and don't get taxed when you withdraw, whereas a traditional IRA is taxed with pre-taxed dollars but you get taxed in the tax bracket you're in at the time of your withdrawal.