› added 10 years ago


TIL that Valve never expected “the cake is a lie” joke to become as popular as it did. They expected a metal hoop that roles past the player during the ending cutscene named “Hoopy the Hoop” would become the most well known joke in Portal. Hoopy even reappears in Portal 2.

9YaOr TIL that the final Confederate surrender of the US Civil War took place on the River Mersey, in Liverpool, England, when a Confederate warship (CSS Shenandoah) learned of the North’s victory while abroad.
R5Nll TIL that Marc Bolan of T.Rex ad-libbed the line “Meanwhile, I'm still thinking” at the end of the band’s 1971 song “Bang a Gong (Get It On), because he originally desired to record Chuck Berry’s song “Little Queenie”. The line “Meanwhile, I’m still thinking” came from that Chuck Berry song.
D15bj TIL North Korea filmed a movie in Japan in 1985, aimed at showing the oppression of Koreans in Japan. North Koreans, instead, drew the conclusion that Koreans were better off in Japan
n9VY TIL that many words used to be spelled phonetically (e.g. debt was ‘det’) until some scholars purposely added silent letters to make them look more like Greek or Latin words, sometimes erroneously.
epnKL TIL the infamous shock video "2 Girls 1 Cup" was originally sold as a DVD titled "Hungry B*tches". The "vomit" in the movie was just food the actors had chewed and spit-out without swallowing, and film's director has stated in court that the supposed excrement they consume was just ice cream.