› added 8 years ago


TIL in 1504 a German knight named Götz von Berlichingen lost his right arm when enemy cannon fire forced his own sword against him. He had two mechanical hands made for him, capable of holding a shield to a feathered pen. He was then known as Götz of the Iron Hand.

nA1b TIL a 21 year old college student, Maura Murray, mysteriously vanished in Feb 2004 after she wrecked and abandoned her car in the New Hampshire White Mountain area. Only 3 minutes passed between being last seen and an office arriving to find she was gone. She has never been found or heard from since
wL9Lo TIL Henry Jay Lewis was an American double-bassist and orchestral conductor. A child prodigy, he joined the L.A. Philharmonic at age 16, becoming the first African-American instrumentalist in a major symphony orchestra and later, the first African-American symphony orchestra conductor in the U.S.
Zp5wB TIL: 7/10 Americans believe that their mom is a "cool mom" according to a survey. They also replied that they learned about responsibilities from watching their mom. Respondents who answer as such tend to spoil their mom with gifts as adults.
ANrRd TIL when Crystal Pepsi first came out, Coca-Cola released a competitor called Tab Clear. However, they marketed Tab Clear in a way that was meant to hurt Crystal Pepsi's image by association. The "born to die" strategy worked, and both campaigns were dead six months later.
76m7 TIL Prince once rented Carlos Boozer’s house in LA, then proceeded to renovate it without permission, then gave Carlos Boozer $1 million to undo the renovations.