› added 7 years ago


TIL California does not having gerrymandering problems because of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, an independent organization that determines district boundaries without favoring a particular party or group

MwRb TIL the Mortal Kombat movie soundtrack (1995) went Platinum in 10 days, reaching #10 on the Billboard 200
6E50W TIL Honda kept its aircraft development project a secret from Soichiro Honda who was retired at the time, they worried that he might insist on resuming an active role if he got wind of the aircraft project because he loved aircrafts so much.
b9pLa TIL, in 1948, a man wore 30-pound, 3-toed lead shoes and stomped around a Florida beach in the night. The footprints lead people to believe that a 15-foot tall penguin was roaming their lands. He kept up the prank for 10 years, visiting various beaches. The hoax wasn't revealed until 40 years later.
LEAr TIL that Stevie Wonder was in a near fatal car crash that left him in a coma. Doctors could not get him to respond to any external stimuli. After four days, his tour director sang the melody of “Higher Ground” into the singer’s ear, and Wonder responded by moving his fingers in time with the song.
loK7r TIL as Lt. Dan Inouye was about to toss a grenade at a German machine gun nest, a Nazi shot his arm off with an RPG. Undaunted, Inouye pulled the live grenade from his severed hand, tossed it, put his gun in his left hand, then wiped out three machine gun nests and killed 25 Nazis on his own.