› added 4 years ago


TIL the producers of animated series "Thundercats" and "SilverHawks" hired a psychological consultant to review every script and make sure the episodes contained positive moral lessons and no disturbing scenes

KOvmB TIL that the mystery as to what happened to Martin Bormann, Hitler's Private Secretary and former Deputy Fuhrer, was solved in 1999 when his remains were positively identified by DNA testing.
XEglE TIL: Horseshoe crab has 10 eyes. Some detect both visible & UV light and some help find mates during the spawning season.. The eyes are a million times more sensitive to light at night than day. They've been around for 450 million years, are not crabs actually and more related to spiders.
xVVEk TIL Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida covers 40 Square miles, the same size as San Francisco. In 1963, Disney paid prices as low as $180 per acre for the land, buying under psuedo corporations. When sellers heard it was Disney buying the land, prices escalated as high as $80,000 per acre.
0Eo5 TIL that “Our Gang” (a/k/a “The Little Rascals”) prominently put boys, girls, whites and blacks together as equals, something that had never been done before in cinema. Ernie Morrison (“Sunshine Sammy”) was the first African-American actor signed to a long-term contract in Hollywood history.
165k4 TIL about Kowloon Walled City. A Chinese military fort-turned-slum which, by the 1980’s, was the most densely populated city on Earth. A city with no regulations or government, where up to 50k people lived.