› added 4 years ago


TIL of the Manicouagan Reservoir, a 60 mile diameter lake in Northern Quebec created by a meteorite impact. The island in the center has a larger surface area than the lake itself, and it has been hypothesized that it was one of at least five impacts in a single event 200 million years ago

8aYn8 TIL of Jack Parsons, an American rocket scientist and occultist follower of Aleister Crowley. He was defrauded of his life savings by his friend L. Ron Hubbard, worked for Howard Hughes, homebrewed his own absinthe, and died in a lab explosion a colleague claims while trying to create a homunculus.
oRvgL TIL about The Lost Battalion of WW1. Wherein soldiers of the US 77th Div. launched an attack in the Argonne forest under the idea that they were being supported by French on the left and more US on the right. Ally support was stalled and the 77th pushed their attack so far that they were cut off.
daoK TIL the heaviest weight lifted by a human was 6,270 pounds, by Paul Anderson, who backlifted it in 1957. That’s more weight than an average female African elephant.
YRYv TIL that when Pope John Paul II visited Chile, he asked a crowd of tens of thousands to refuse greed and consumerism –to which they replied «yes», to reject the idol of power, «yes», but when he asked them to reject the idol of «sex and pleasure», the whole stadium replied an outright «NO!»
RJ58 TIL Hunter S. Thompson pranked Jack Nicholson on his birthday by shining a spotlight on his house, blasting a recording of a pig being eaten alive by bears, firing his pistol, and leaving an elk’s heart at the front door, while Nicholson and his two daughters hid in the basement.