› added 2 years ago


TIL Frederic John Walker aka Johnnie Walker was the most successful anti-submarine warfare commander during WWII credited with 17 U boats destroyed. Walker's last duty was protecting the fleet from U-boats during the Normandy landing before his natural death attributed to overwork and exhaustion.

GAk71 TIL that Clint Eastwood - at the height of his "silent and violent gunslinger" fame - starred in a big-budget western musical called Paint Your Wagon. At nearly 3 hours long, the film was not well reviewed. Eastwood's song "I Talk to the Trees" was singled out for derision.
VdwG TIL Norway stopped investing money into Walmart after determining that the company is guilty of “serious violations of fundamental ethical norms.”
EgdP TIL if federal employees run out of sick time, they can receive leave-time donations from any other federal employee. For example, a postal carrier in Alabama can give accrued leave time to a budget analyst at the Dept. of Energy in DC.
p5M8 TIL the Red Hand is the symbol of Ulster because according to myth a boat race was held to determine the king - first to touch the shore wins the crown. One potential king saw he was losing, so cut off his hand (covering it red with blood) and threw it on the shore, thus winning the race.
Pe7E TIL that there are no pokemon below level 2 found in the wild because the “Medium Slow” experience formula caused level one pokemon to give negative experience, making a pokemon level instantly to 100.