› added 6 years ago


TIL Mike Myers' 2008 film "The Love Guru" was so badly received by critics he hasn't had an on-camera starring role in a film since. One critic, in his review, predicted it would be "career-killing" for Myers and "one of the worst films of at least the past several years."

e0rxk TIL about Damnatio Memoriae. People’s likenesses were destroyed and his name stricken from the records. The process of damnatio memoraie was intended to be a permanent judgement.
woLmW TIL about Fordlândia, a very large plot of land that Henry Ford purchased in Brazil. He developed and utilized this land in order to try and meet the need for his own rubber production for his car tires. This project would eventually fail and was abandoned in 1934.
BKjr TIL Rory McCann (The Hound from Game of Thrones) once fell 70 ft while rock climbing without a rope and broke both of his ankles, an arm, and a wrist, as well as fracturing his skull. He went on to play a man left paraplegic after a climbing accident in one of his earliest roles.
ADVjg TIL that Napoleon Bonaparte was sexually attracted to smelly women. He wrote several letters in which he asked his wife not to bathe for at least a month as he wanted to enjoy her body odor to the fullest.
Oo6oY TIL that Nintendo's Mario takes his name from Mario Segale, the landlord of Nintendo's American Headquarters in Seattle. After coming into the warehouse to berate Minoru Arakawa for late rent, the game developers changed the name of their main character from "Jumpman" to Mario.