› added 6 years ago


Characterized by their large green bodies and beak-like teeth, bumphead parrotfish can be found near the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific. These large corallivores use their mighty teeth to grind up the hard exterior of coral in search of the small creatures living inside. If you've ever visited a beach in these regions, you've probably relaxed on the sandy remnants of this coral-based diet. In other words, that beach is full of crap! National Geographic grantee Mikayla Wujec fills us in in this episode of Today I Learned.

dDEYQ TIL: that the fantasy rock and roll camp portrayed in The Simpsons actually exists.
aanL TIL: When you speak inside your mind small muscles in your throat mimic the formation of each word, and NASA is working on a machine that would detect these muscle movements and transcribe them to words.
66GJ TIL Bill Murray went into a bar in Austin, Texas with RZA and GZA of the Wu Tang Clan and starts bartending. No matter what anyone orders, he gives them a shot of Tequila.
jNoWN TIL In parts if the US you not have to be present for the ceremony in order to get married. It is called marriage by proxy.
j4Ej TIL a German footballer Mesut Ozil donated his €300,000 World Cup victory bonus to pay for surgery of 23 children in Brazil