› added 4 years ago


TIL of Tyra Winters, a Highschool cheerleader who saved the life of a choking toddler during a homecoming parade. She was on a float and jumped down from it when she spotted the suffering boy in the crowd. She’d gotten CPR training in the 8th grade and used it to save his life.

JY11m TIL approximately 80000 Americans who were born in the last 50 years have contracted or will contract cancer as a result of American nuclear tests conducted in Nevada and the Pacific ocean. Soviet tests in Kazakhstan, eastern Russia. French tests in the Pacific and British tests at Christmas Island
d88Nj TIL: Alan Smithee, a pseudonym used by film directors who wish to disown a project, stopped in 1998 after the director of the movie “Burn Hollywood Burn” (a film about a fictional director actually named Alan Smithee trying to disown his movie) used the pseudonym himself.
JOeV TIL In June 1974, while President Nixon was on his way to a scheduled stop in Syria, Syrian fighter jets intercepted Air Force One to act as escorts. However, the Air Force One crew was not informed in advance and, as a result, took evasive action including a dive.
nRXG TIL Double Stuf Oreos are actually made with less than double the creme of a regular Oreo (1.86 times the creme of a regular Oreo)
4XXW5 TIL during the Cold War of 1950's; the Canadian Government forced some of the Inuit population to move into the Arctic Archipelago, just so they could make a claim a land claim on the islands.