› added 4 years ago


TIL Artie Lange was paid $140k in one night to perform two shows at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas during Super Bowl week 2007, his highest paid stand up gig at that point. After gambling, hookers, and drugs, he spent $145k that trip.

m7by TIL Simply wearing a US military uniform in public or falsely claiming to have served is not a violation of The Stolen Valor Act. Only wearing or claiming to have earned certain decorations with the intention of profiting monetarily or in some tangible way is a violation of federal law.
epme4 TIL a Wisconsin man has eaten over 30,000 Big Mac hamburgers over 46 years, averaging 2 per day. He has only missed eight days in those 46 years, including when his mother died as she requested he forgo the burger in her memory.
e865 TIL of John C. Beale, a man who pretended he was a CIA secret agent, flew around the world on first-class flights, stayed in high-end hotels and cost the taxpayers almost $900,000.
BYBe TIL when filming Return of the Jedi, Carrie Fischer would get quite concerned for Warrick Davis, who was only 11 years old at the time, being in that hot Ewok suit, so she would have chocolate milk and cookies ready for him whenever they took a brake
Y71dZ TIL in 1969 Ted Conrad embezzled $215,000 from a bank in Ohio & proceeded to evade capture for the remaining 51 years of his life. He became 'Thomas Randele' & settled in Massachusetts. Described by authorities as a deathbed confession, in 2021 he told his wife & daughter who he was & what he did.