› added 6 years ago


TIL about the “Magic 8”. Before 1491, corn, beans, squash, chili, tomato, potato, vanilla, and cacao weren’t found anywhere in the world outside of the Americas.

yVWDl TIL after the Panama-Pacific International Exposition ended, one of its exhibitions, The Ohio Building, was sold at auction. It was then mounted on skids and dragged to the marina where it was pulled aboard two barges and embarked on its voyage floating to San Carlos harbor.
Z8jYv TIL the first European explorer to see Hawaii was Captain James Cook on Nov. 26, 1778, when he and his two ships anchored offshore of Kahului. However, he did not come ashore on Maui. As Cook sailed down Maui’s northeastern coastline, a royal double-hulled canoe approached from the Hana coastline.
VMZQ0 TIL There's a town in the Netherlands called Hogeweyk that is specifically for people with dementia or Alzheimer's. Along with the residents being able to stroll around town, Hogeweyk also holds concerts and street fairs to add to the sense of normalcy.
NXGVN TIL The French bulldog is now the top purebred dog breed in America. Beating out the Labrador Retriever who held the record for 31 years.
1a79W TIL that when the deadliest tornado touched down in 1925 Missouri, people were taken by surprise. This was because the word 'tornado' was banned from US weather forecasts since the late 19th century due to hysteria. This mentality shifted after the tornado killed 675 ill-prepared residents