› added 6 years ago


TIL that Pablo Picasso's full name has 23 words and 103 characters. His full name is 'Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso'

VbgQ TIL that rubber, despite its many uses now, was called “rubber” because it rubs out pencil marks.
QNLB6 TIL, after the death of 27-year-old physicist Henry Moseley at Gallipoli (WWI, 1915), the British Government placed a ban on other scientists of repute serving in front-line roles. Ernest Rutherford believed that Moseley's work would have earned him the Nobel Prize.
4y5J TIL that 11,500+ year old man-made monolithic structures discovered in southeastern Turkey.Structures are dated thousands of years older than Egyptian Pyramids.Discoverer says it requires decent engineering skills to build such structures. (45 min, National Geographic documentary)
VMGjp TIL some people refer to the future being a head of them, but others refer to it as behind the back because one can not see the future. Also, the former tend to shift their bodies forward when speaking of the future while the latter shift their bodies backwards when speaking about the future.
xVJ4D TIL about a horrifying yet totally cool deep sea creature called the Vampire Squid. They're about 1 ft long and live in the deep ocean. I am mesmerized by their blue creepy eyes. Their family tree is so old they predate squid and octopus. It eats detritus (sea gunk) and is very gentle.