› added 10 months ago


TIL that Bing Russell (Kurt Russell’s dad), as owner of the Portland Mavericks, banned corporate sponsors and hired pro baseball’s first female and Asian American GMs. His motto was fun.

nOOG TIL that upon the German occupation of Paris in 1940, the lift cables of the Eiffel Tower were cut by the French. German soldiers had to climb the tower to hoist the swastika.
GYR4Q TIL a man once broke into Buckingham Palace and entered the Queen's bedroom, dripping blood and carrying a shard of broken glass. The Queen shouted "What are you doing here?!" and ran out. No charges were brought since breaking into Buckingham Palace wasn't classed as a criminal offence at the time.
awd8o TIL Sunflower (Helianthus tuberosus) root, also called Jersualem artichokes or Sunchokes, are native to North America. Native Americans were first to cultivate sunflower roots for food. Resists cold, drought, wind. The roots contain inulin, which is firmly established to decrease blood cholesterol.
jej TIL on August 5, 1944, one of the biggest jail-breaks in history involved hundreds of Japanese POWs attempting to escape an Australian prisoner camp. The Japanese considered the Australians weak because they treated the prisoners well. 234 of the Japanese were killed and another 108 wounded.
X07Qj TIL Marc-Antoine Fardin published a paper in which he cited photographs of cats in jars, baskets and salad bowls and concluded that cats have the properties of both solid and liquid objects. For this work, Fardon was awarded the Ig Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017.