› added 9 months ago


TIL the United States runs a program with lasers and lunar reflectors that measure the distance to the moon, started in 1970 - with an accuracy better than 3 centimeters since the 1990s.

0BAR TIL when enlisting in the British army during WWII writer/actor Sir Peter Ustinov requested tank duty “because you can go into battle sitting down,” and as result his superiors concluded, “On no account must this man be put in charge of others.” so he was assigned to the infantry instead
Ypo8B TIL Subutai won 65 battles as general of the Mongol Empire including defeating a Russian army of 80K with only 20K soldiers. His tactics were studied by Mikhail Ivanin in the 19th century & incorporated into Russian military academies & the Red Army.
LQQoV TIL that Kim Il-Sung's parents were devote Christians. Father was part-time Protestant Missionary and Mother was presbyterian. Mother's name, Pan-Sok, is derived from Saint Peter. They married by arrangements of American missionary L. Nelson Bell, the father-in-law of Billy Graham.
Zp0ZD TIL the highest temperature ever reached is 4 trillion Celsius degrees. Scientists used a giant atom smasher to reach it for a few milliseconds. It was so hot that even protons and neutrons melted. They believe a similar temperature was reached during the milliseconds that followed the Big Bang.
E1NDd TIL of people who drill holes into their skulls and advocate the health benefits. They call it "Trepanning" and believe it can benefit brain health and mood disorders. Two men in Utah were charged for performing the procedure on a woman without a medical license. There is no evidence of benefit.