› added 9 months ago


TIL about Lind-mania and Jenny Lind. A famous mid 19th century singer who was courted by Hans Christian Anderson, toured the US promoted by PT Barnum, had her face printed on 2 dollar bills, had a US Warship named after her, and more...

Z8BQ TIL that the guy who took the famous photo of the Wright Brothers’ first flight had never seen a camera before that day.
Lk5Zm TIL scientists in 2005 placed dogs in suspended animation and brought them back to life. First they drained their blood and replaced it with a low-temperature solution. After three hours of clinical death, the dogs' blood was returned and their hearts were shocked, and the dogs came back to life.
ABv7 TIL the projectile in badminton, called a shuttlecock, can be real feathers or synthetic. Real feather shuttlecocks, like those used in the Olympics, contain 16 feathers plucked from the left, and only left, wing of a goose. This ensures consistent rotation.
4wg5 TIL that while mathematician Kurt Gödel prepared for his U.S. citizenship exam he discovered an inconsistency in the constitution that could, despite of its individual articles to protect democracy, allow the USA to become a dictatorship.
yVLXJ TIL that Jane Park, Britains younger ever lottery winner won the lottery so young that she said it ‘ruined her life’, became depressed and considered suing the lottery for allowing someone to win at such a young age after she was left isolated, alone and left to manage millions