› added 1 month ago


TIL Pinkerton detective agency, the main antagonists is Red Dead redemption 2, are a real company founded in 1850 that still exists today, and they tried to sue Rockstar games for copyright infringement for using their name. Companies like Amazon and Starbucks have used Pinkerton for union busting

o70K TIL Jim Bowie - creator of the Bowie knife - was in an epic duel where he was shot 3 times - stabbed with a cane sword which was deflected by his sternum, and bludgeoned with a gun. With his knife he killed one man and severed the forearm of another. He won the fight and lived.
epgNg TIL Some cities are using blue light bulbs in public restroom, park lighting because the glow supposedly masks the blue-tinted lines of veins — making it harder for intravenous drug users to find a vein.
NXxRE TiL bees like to 'play' with balls. A study shows bumble bees went out of their way to roll wooden balls repeatedly despite no apparent incentive. Younger bees rolled more balls than older bees and male bees rolled them for longer than female bees.
Oon0Y TIL in a study of 640 dream journals conducted by Harvard, psychologists determined the dreams of prisoners in WWII POW camps were less aggressive than the standard male population. Rather than visions of extreme violence, the majority of soldiers dreamed of escape, family, loneliness, and home.
9Y7lm TIL Honey Bees can communicate with each other! A returning bee can tell other bee's about potential food sources, including distance, directions and how difficult it is to get there.