› added 8 years ago


TIL The Bluetooth symbol is a bind-rune representing the initials of the Viking King for who it was named

YlyW TIL in 1926, Agatha Christie vanished without a trace. Thousands of volunteers helped search, along with planes in the sky, and dogs on the ground. After 11 days, a musician recognized her at a hotel, where she was living under a fake name. Christie died without ever having explained her absence.
VA6p TIL Attorneys from Coors brewery were appointed by Reagan to the EPA after campaign donations by Joseph Coors. The EPA then lifted restrictions on the dumping of toxic waste in Colorado, home of the Coors brewery.
0dZ9y TIL that in Hungary in the 1940's, while the country was experiencing the worst hyperinflation in recorded history, they issued a bank note with a denomination of 100 quintillion Hungarian pengős, which was worth approximately US $0.20.
LQAM9 TIL about Mapinguari, a monstrous jungle-dwelling spirits from Brazilian folklore that protects the forest and animals. It's described as a former human shaman turned into a hairy humanoid cyclops and has a gaping mouth on its abdomen. Some claim it's a modern-day sighting of a giant ground sloth.
DQKgY TIL: The professor of psychology at UB ,Sally Farley, found that you can determine relationship status through 1 second snippets of laughter. Friend laughter is louder, more relaxed, and natural. Romantic laughter more feminine-sounding, baby-like, submissive, and less pleasant.