› added 8 years ago


TIL That Andre Royo (the actor who plays Bubbles in The Wire) was so convincing at playing a drug addict that during on-location filming he was once given a small package of heroin by a local resident, who said to Royo “Man, you need a fix more than I do.”

ADdQx TIL about Jára "The Master" Cimrman, a noted playwright, educator, inventor, and philosopher. Cimrman was voted "The Greatest Czech" in a national contest until he was disqualified for being fictional. Created on a radio show in 1966 to criticize the Communist government, he's become a folk hero.
lj95 TIL Fred Phelps once posted the Onion article “‘98 Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal” on the Westboro Baptist Church website as proof that homosexuals were trying to recruit others.
xVnoB TIL that this month, this year is the 2500tg anniversary of the Battle of Thermopylae, when King Leonidas famously led his 300 Spartans against the Persian King Xerxes’ forces of around 300,000
kaGW TIL on January 1 2019, works published in 1923 will enter the public domain. These will be the first works to do so since the 1998 copyright extension commonly known as the Mickey Mouse Protection Act.
Z84rR TIL about the dihydrogen monoxide parody, the action of calling water by an unfamiliar chemical name, listing "side effects" which are just scientific terms for harmless water-related bodily processes, and calling for it to be banned. This demonstrates the importance of scientific literacy.