› added 9 years ago


TIL Agatha Christie’s novel “Elephants Can Remember” reveals distinct signs of Alzheimer’s onset, e.g., 20% fewer words or ⅕ of her vocabulary lost; 6 times more use of nonspecific words such as “thing”, and a sharp drop in “idea density”. That novel’s last line is “Maybe it’s OK not to remember.”.

xlM1 TIL that since 1989 the federal government has paid $2.4 billion in awards for 3100+ injuries/deaths proven to have been caused by adverse reactions to vaccinations. Not a single one of the 4,564 claims of vaccine-caused autism was found to have merit.
ZpZXG Today I learned that for about ten years, ending in 1957, British television schedules had a gap from 6pm-7pm called the 'Toddlers' Truce' where for an hour there was no programming so that parents could put the kiddies to bed.
Yr8G TIL Even though only 10-15% of people are left-handed, there is a higher than usual number of characters in The Simpsons who appear to be left-handed (Bart Simpson, Seymour Skinner, Ned Flanders and others). This is due to the fact that the creator of the show Matt Groening himself is left-handed.
0wl5v Today I learned the Golden Temple in Amritsar,India Gives 100,000 meals everyday to everyone regardless of thier Faith,Race,Gender
6EdAY TIL in 2015 a Jeopardy contestant answered the final jeopardy question with "what is the ballad of TURD FERGUSON." Prompting Alex Trebek to say "Turd Ferguson," a reference to the popular SNL Norm MacDonald skit.