› added 9 years ago


TIL of a woman whose skin grew around a toilet seat she had ben sitting on for 2 years. Her boyfriend gave her food and water until calling authorities to say there was “something wrong” with his girlfriend. Her legs had atrophied and she had to be removed with the seat.

yQ1BX TIL in 1989 Meat Loaf, his career floundering, was booked on a ram­shackle tour of some of Ireland’s worst com­mu­nity cen­tres, ball­rooms, hotel func­tion rooms, sheds and fields. He walked off-stage at a gig in Moate after he was pelted with beer cans, glasses, bot­tles, shoes, and a wheelchair
NkYM TIL that in 5,000 years of human history, only 2 diseases have been eradicated: smallpox and rinderpest
O58a TIL Winston Churchill covered up the “Katyn Massacre” of 20,000 poles by the soviets to pursue the alliance, assuring them that “We shall certainly oppose vigorously any ‘investigation’ by the International Red Cross… Such investigation would be a fraud and its conclusions reached by terrorism”.
J11ak TIL parasitoid wasps, which inject their eggs into caterpillars and eat their still-alive hosts from within when they hatch, so disturbed Charles Darwin that it shook his belief in a benevolent and loving God.
Oolr1 TIL : Scientists tested a well-preserved substance found in a 2,700-year-old temple in Tel Arad, which turned out to be cannabis. Researchers concluded that ancient Israelites burned the plant alongside frankincense, in religious rituals.