› added 8 years ago


TIL: The first woman was accepted to medical school by accident. The issue was up to vote by the male students, with the stipulation that if one student objected, she would be rejected. They thought it was so ludicrous that they believed it to be a joke, and voted unanimously to accept her.

Lavv TIL New Coke actually performed better than Classic Coke and Pepsi in taste tests. The new drink flopped anyway, apparently because Coca-Cola underestimated customers’ emotional attachment to the Classic Coke flavor, irrespective of which one performed better in a double-blind test.
7pgX TIL RJ Mitte, who plays Walter Jr. in Breaking Bad , actually does have Cerebral Palsy, although to a much lesser extent than he plays on the show. He had to get into character by discontinuing his therapy, so he could relapse into lower functioning CP patterns
0w8GA TIL of Noor Inayat Khan, an Indian woman who was posthumously awarded the George Cross for her service during WWII. She was the first female wireless operator to be parachuted into France to assist the French resistance. Later betrayed by a a member of the resistance, she would be executed in Dachau
LkMa0 TIL Scientists put slime mold onto a model of a map of Tokyo, with food representing urban centers. After a day, it created a network almost identical to Tokyo’s actual rail network. Human designers created that network to be as efficient as possible; slime mold did the same, but without a brain
8avxP TIL the "infinite monkey" theory was tested in 2003 at the Paignton Zoo (England). After a month, the six monkeys had only produce five pages (consisting mostly of the letter S), partially destroyed the computer, and used it as a lavatory.