› added 7 years ago


TIL Kids are more inclined to turn to their pets than their siblings for support when faced with adversity. This is even though they know their pets don’t actually understand what they are saying.

LQ6BQ TIL Of the letters of last resort. Each UK nuclear submarine has a safe which contains a letter written by the Prime Minister, with instructions on what to do in the case of nuclear war. They're only to be opened when the UK has been hit by nuclear weapons.
KOyZa TIL about Hamish McHamish a ginger cat who lived in a town in Scotland. He rose to fame after a book entitled Hamish McHamish of St Andrews: Cool Cat About Town was published. On 5 April 2014 a bronze statue of Hamish was unveiled in Hamish"s honor.
X0Am8 TIL in 1925, a forger convinced Portugal's money printer to make him 200,000 bills, worth ~1% of Portugal's GDP. They were easily laundered, since they weren't actually counterfeit. To cover his tracks, he started buying a controlling interest in the Bank of Portugal, but was caught. He was 28.
7p4Z TIL a band bought $20k worth of their own tickets from ticketmaster and sold them back to fans at face value eating all the ticketmaster extortion fees.
7rpk7 TIL a Dutch student once 'faked' a gap year as part of a university project to show how social media is not reflective of real life. Using edited/staged pictures, she created an illusion on Facebook she was travelling around South East Asia for over a month. In reality, she never left her apartment.