› added 9 years ago


TIL when we lose weight, we’re doing so by exhaling carbon atoms that used to be stored in fat cells.

ne8l9 TIL that there was a live adaptation of "How to Train Your Dragon" called "How to Train Your Dragon Live Spectacular" that ran in Australia during 2012-2013 from the same people that created "Walking With Dinosaurs Arena Spectacular". The pics are something else.
oBXL8 TIL of Kösem Sultan who made donations to the poor, paid people's debts, supplied poor daughters with clothes and wed them, freed slaves after 3 years, in addition to building mosques, & schools. She was given the name Valide-i Muazzama (magnificent mother) upon her death.
4kKXb TIL: a man named Ranald MacDonald was the first native English speaker to teach the English language in Japan. Today, statues commemorate Ronald McDonald all throughout Japan.
awrgN TIL Wernher von Braun, the German rocket scientist who developed Nazi superweapons during WWII, was one of many German scientists secretly brought to the US to help win the Space Race. He would go on to develop the Saturn V rocket, which carried Apollo 11 to the moon.
oBR9L People who have a lot of papillae—the bumps on our tongue, most of which house our taste buds—often find flavors overwhelming. They’re “supertasters,” and as such they add cream to their coffee and order food mild instead of spicy. Subtasters, on the other hand, have low papillae density and prefer their chicken wings “atomic.”