› added 9 years ago


TIL in his final days Lyndon B. Johnson would listen to “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon and Garfunkel repeatedly while agonizing over his legacy; worrying that he would only be remembered for the Vietnam War and not as the architect of equal rights and Medicare.

VMbyG TIL Yūichirō Miura became the first person to ski on Mount Everest on May 6, 1970. He descended nearly 4,200 vertical feet from the South Col (elevation over 26,000 ft). This feat was documented in 1975, in the film The Man Who Skied Down Everest. The film won the Academy Award for best documentary
d80LB TIL To treat a malaria outbreak in Borneo, the WHO used DDT to kill mosquitoes. DDT killed wasps which were eating thatch-eating caterpillars who were eaten by geckoes & eaten by cats, who died, which led to rats, plague, & typhus. WHO had to parachute 145,000 cats into the area to kill the rats.
nW4pP TIL During the French Revolution many medieval tapestries were destroyed, with some being melted down to extract gold or silver. The famous Apocalypse Tapestry was cut up and became floor mats, trees covers, patches, and insulation. Surviving fragments were rediscovered in 1848 and returned in 1870.
DGnv TIL the Supreme Court of the United States is split on whether a possessive singular noun that ends with ’s’ should always, sometimes, or never have an additional ’s’ after the apostrophe
b6Rdj TIL when Freud developed the concepts of the id, ego, and superego in psychology, the original German words he used literally meant "The it, I, and over-I". Id, ego, and superego were the words chosen by English translators