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TIL a farmer’s observation of his cows made his town a hot touristic spot for the rich and famous of 1600s England. He noticed that cows wouldn’t drink from a particular pond. The water was bitter. Also, it had medical properties. Epsom Salts were born and Epsom town became a popular spa destination

4XBWR TIL that for 6 years after her death, the brothers of Joan of Arc passed off an imposter as their sister, claiming that she’d escaped death. They received lavish gifts and travelled from one festive reception to the next, until finally admitting their deception to the King of France.
JYwMk TIL the idiom "Turning a blind eye" is attributed to Admiral Horatio Nelson who, in the midst of battle and given the permission to retreat by his superior, lifted the telescope to his eye (blinded from an earlier injury) and said "I really do not see the signal" and pressed on with the attack.
gMw8b TIL a small town called Kensico was flooded to expand the New York Reservoir System to meet the increasing water needs of New York City. The Kensico Dam at the end of the reservoir is now the site of a large public park and plaza.
VBXZG TIL when Britain entered WWI, J. R. R. Tolkien's relatives were shocked that he didn't volunteer for the British Army, which was expected of young men at the time. He later recalled, "It was a nasty cleft to be in for a young man with too much imagination and little physical courage."
lAWG TIL that in the 17th century an old man on trial openly confessed to being a werewolf, but claimed to be good-natured, stating that he regularly went to hell with other werewolves to battle the witches and wizards of Satan to ensure a bountiful harvest.