› added 1 year ago


TIL May 2 1922 Gen. Montgomery led a convoy to Macroom Castle, Cork where he ordered the IRA to surrender 4 captives or they would raze the town. In response, the Commander told him to leave “within 10 minutes”. Monty then looked up to see he had been quietly surrounded by Irish Volunteers. He fled.

9wrKM TIL that 1 out of 12 men have color blindness
78rOZ TIL that antihistamines (such as Benadryl) are associated with increased weight gain / Dementia / Alzheimer's when used regularly or long term.
WklQd TIL up to 78% of NFL players go bankrupt or fall into severe financial stress within just two years of retirement.
Bg0Pr TIL that in 1632, Massachusetts banned smoking in public.
7rx6P TIL foxes utilize the earth's magnetic field as a targeting system to find prey