› added 1 year ago


TIL that one of the most popular medieval legends about Saint Nicholas of Myra (the original basis for the legend of Santa Claus) involves him magically resurrecting three children who were murdered by an evil butcher and sold as cured meat.

OoNYL TIL of the 1976 Chowchilla bus kidnapping. Three men kidnapped 26 kids + their bus driver + forced them into an underground bunker. They never gave their $5 millions random note to the police; they took a nap after the crime + when they woke up the victims had already escaped + returned home safely.
xVmLb TIL DavesFrameClass was the window class that drew the CPU meter on the Performance page of Task Manager
ljLA TIL After prohibition was repealed in 1933, Yuengling sent a truckload of “Winner Beer” to President Roosevelt in appreciation, which arrived the day the amendment was repealed which is surprising since Yuengling beer takes almost three weeks to brew and age.
JYBBj TIL Tom Selleck was cast as Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark but had to drop out due to his commitment to do the Magnum PI pilot, so the role went to Harrison Ford. Production on Magnum was delayed for over 6 months by a writers' strike, which would have enabled Selleck to complete Raiders
p8rYb TIL the US Air Force drops every christmas since 1952 10s of thousands of pounds of supply, food, toys and commodities on the islands of Micronesia. It is the longest running mission of the United States Department of Defense and the longest running humanitarian airlift in the world.