› added 7 months ago


TIL "What We Do in the Shadows" had an enormous behind-the-scene joke, with the IT guy Stu - who's played by a real IT guy called Stu- was told he's needed for IT purposes on set, with his role in the script being kept secret from the entire cast and him repeatedly told everyday to film a bit more.

BgyGb TIL in psychology there is a theory called the Electra and opedius complex that states Girls feel attraction to their father and jealousy towards there mother during phallic stage and vice versa
NRkb TIL motorcyclists are almost 30X more likely to die than other motorists
7ZE7 TIL Batman carries a chunk of kryptonite on his utility belt. Just in case.
loD15 TIL that Jeff Bezos is spending $42M building a 10,000 year clock
ADD5o Yes, technically, but not nearly enough.