› added 1 year ago


TIL that the NFL has already paid out more than a billion dollars to players affected by chronic traumatic encephalopathy, with 99% of deceased NFL players testing positive for the neurodegenerative disease.

D17Yg TIL With hearing loss, the signal from the ear becomes weak and noisy, like a poorly-tuned radio. The brain's predictive mechanisms therefore have to work very hard to make sense of what we are hearing. These processes sometimes end up running away with themselves to cause musical hallucinations
gRa4 TIL the famously anti-gay Harlem preacher Pastor Manning, who’s known for vitriolic anti-LGBT hate speech, is in massive debt. An organization that provides shelter for homeless LGBT youth is raising money to buy the building his church is housed in to open an additional shelter at that location.
X0JR6 TIL Payload specialists are not part of the regular NASA astronaut corps, relatively unknown to the public, and often flying only single missions
9wLYX TIL The flower that takes the longest to bloom is a rare species of giant bromeliad, Puya raimondii, native to the mountains of Bolivia. On average it takes between 80-150 years to bloom, though one specimen planted by UC Berkeley only took 28 years to bloom.
6N9J TIL in 1960, a Retired Postal Worker stalked JFK with the intent of assassinating him. On Dec. 11, he was prepared to ram Kennedy with a dynamite-laden 1950 Buick, but changed his mind at the last minute when he decided he didn’t want to hurt Jackie and her children.