› added 3 years ago


TIL bootlegger Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton killed himself rather than report to federal prison after being convicted of moonshining offences. He prepared his grave footstone years in advance and had it by his front porch and kept his casket in his living room. The epitaph read, "Popcorn Said Fuck You."

mLZP TIL Samuel Johnson wrote a dictionary in 1755, in which he defined oats as: “A grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.” A Scottish man was said by Sir Walter Scott to have retorted, “Yes, and where else will you see such horses and such men?”
DZPj TIL that in 1996, the legislature of New Mexico adopted an official state question: “Red or green?” It refers to the question always asked whether one prefers red or green chile when ordering New Mexican cuisine.
GYDGJ TIL of a secret society called Cicada 3301, that has on six occasions posted puzzles and alternate reality games (some lasting years) in an attempt to recruit code breakers from the public.
R7DO8 TIL That former astronaut Scott Parazynski took a moon rock to the top of Mount Everest. He took the moon rock and a rock from the top of Mount Everest and gave them to then current astronaut George Zamka. He then took both rocks into space on the International Space Station.
Bgagy TIL: Edward Bernays, in an effort to market bananas to the United States, ended up toppling the Guatemalan government and starting a 30 year civil war