› added 4 years ago


TIL "Scotch" used to be a synonym for "thrifty" or "frugal" and when cellphane tape was invented, it was marketed in the great depression as "scotch tape" since it could extend the life of objects and save you money.

g4QL TIL during WWII Canada gave out buttons to people who tried to enlist but were refused due to medical reasons to show their willingness to fight
GO0G TIL: The FP-45 Liberator was a single shot pistol developed by the US during WWII with the intention of air dropping them to resistance fighters. The residence fighter would then sneak up on an Axis occupier, kill them, and take their superior weapons.
ZpyX4 TIL Lady Gaga secretly swapped in "Fuck her face" for "Poker Face" during the chorus of the song with the same name. She later admitted that only Kiss FM in Los Angeles noticed the change and the song was played with the NSFW lyrics across the globe.
WxJA TIL in The Vagina Monologues a 13-year-old girl is raped by a 24-year old woman, and it is referred to as “a good rape” & a healing experience. When a man at a newspaper wrote an article asking why rape was only wrong when a man committed it, but woman-on-woman rape was celebrated, he was fired.
9Gg7 TIL that in 1984 Mcdonalds offered free Big Macs,Fries, or a Coke for each Gold Silver or Bronze in the Olympics. During that year the Soviet Union boycotted the US olympics and therefore the US got many more medals than expected which became a huge failure for Mcdonalds