› added 3 years ago


TIL Wild cauliflower is yellow. Sun exposure changes the cauliflower head from white to yellow. Farmers individually wrap the leaves of the plant around the cauliflower to prevent the color change. The color change doesn't affect the veggie's taste but it does affect customers desire to buy it.

nWXro TIL: The Sacred Band of Thebes was an elite force in 4th century BC, consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers. Each pair had an older erastês and a younger erômenos to represent the god Eros and embrace glorious death together. They train with wrestling and dance and were on the front lines.
4XRWN TIL about John Draper. He used the whistles found in Cap'n Crunch cereal boxes in the 1960's to bypass phone systems and place free long-distance calls as they played at 2600 Hzs—the perfect tone to commandeer a phone line. His work inspired the founders of Apple.
mwwO TIL diamonds aren’t rare; their demand is a marketing invention. In 1938 De Beers hired an ad agency who arbitrarily decided that a diamond engagement ring is worth 1 month’s salary. It worked so well they increased it to 2 months’ salary. De Beers carefully restricts supply to keep the prices high.
XEA7Q TIL Sir Anthony Hopkins once memorised an entire seven-page courtroom speech and delivered it in one go in the movie Amistad. Because of this, Steven Spielberg insisted on addressing him as Sir Anthony, instead of Tony, out of respect.
Brnme TIL that Prisons in Brazil reduce their sentences by 4 days for each book an inmate reads and writes a report on