› added 6 years ago


TIL that "rogue waves" or "freak waves," unexpected and massive waves that sailors have long told stories about, were generally considered to be mythical until confirmed by scientific instrumentation in 1995

X0ep6 TIL that the White House has contained several vegetable gardens since the 2nd president, John Adams, and they have been maintained by multiple (although not all) presidents and their First Ladies as a tradition.
DGDe TIL in 2009 a Hungarian art historian, while watching the movie Stuart Little with his daughter, spotted a long-lost avant-garde painting in the background. The painting was bought by a set designer in a Pasadena antiques shop for “next to nothing”, and later sold for $285,700 at an auction.
AG8d TIL George Zimmer, the owner and founder of The Men’s Wearhouse, does not background check his employees. “I don’t trust the U.S. justice system to get it right,” says Zimmer, who is himself a recovering alcoholic; “I’d rather make my own decisions, and I believe in giving people a second chance.”
J1brm Til the oriental Orthodox Church split from the rest of Christianity over their belief of Jesus nature. The oriental church believe he had one nature that is both human and divine at the same time. We’ll most other churches believe he had two natures that are divine and human united into person.
NZwM TIL Isaac Newton prowled the bars and taverns in seedy parts of London in disguise to gather evidence of counterfeiting. His work led to 28 convictions, one being hanged for high treason