› added 4 years ago


TIL the term "Interest Convergence" wherein interests of minorities only improve when viewed as benefiting the majority - eg. ability to study/work from home for disabled is only now being fully actualised as it benefits all

GY0L4 TIL that Dexter King, Martin Luther King's son, publicily supported James Earl Ray's efforts for a retrial as MLK's family did not believe Ray to be responsible for his death, they instead believed the US Government conspired to assassinate MLK.
QJxW9 TIL that it costs between $116,000 and $263,000 to open a Subway. In contrast, it costs between $1 million and $2.2 million to open a McDonald's.
PjMe TIL Airlines legally have to give you up to $1,500 in cash AND a free flight to your destination when a flight is overbooked and you’re booted from your flight. By accepting the free miles or signing forms they give you you’re forfeiting your rights.
PYvJJ TIL that in 1670, against a judge's instructions, a jury refused to find two men guilty. The judge held the jury in contempt; locked them up overnight without food, water or heat; and fined them. On appeal, the Chief Justice ruled that a jury could not be punished for returning the wrong verdict.
0wjn5 TIL that Kalpana Chawla, one of the astronauts killed in the Columbia tragedy, knew Steve Morse of Deep Purple and had even taken the band’s “Machine Head” album to space with her on the mission. Morse wrote a song called “Contact Lost” as a tribute to her.