› added 6 years ago


TIL Lego Universe, the Lego MMO that was cancelled in 2012 was likely cancelled due to the cost associated with detecting penises

6EWwl TIL about Charley Ross, a 4-year-old American child whose 1874 kidnapping for ransom (considered the first in US history) became a nationwide sensation. Charley, who was never found, was lured by two men offering candy and fireworks, giving rise to the warning "never take candy from strangers".
Me0p7 TIL a contronym is a word that has contradictory meanings. Examples include - Bolt: to secure, or to flee. Bound: restrained, or heading somewhere. Go: to proceed, or to weaken or fail. Consult: to offer advice, or to obtain it.
wPeP TIL the world’s oldest joint-stock corporation, the East India Company, was also the longest surviving, spanning 274 years, run by the wealthy merchants, beyond government control, had its own private armies and ruled a sub-continent by means of political and economic subjugation.
6EGpX TIL there was a global search to find a mate for Jeremy, a rare left-coiling snail. Because his shell coiled counterclockwise, the opposite direction of typical snails, his sex organs could not align with others. Two candidates were found but they proceeded to mate with each other instead of Jeremy.
5axD TIL Chinese vampires are depicted in movies as hopping around because in the Qing Dynasty people used to pay ‘corpse carriers’ to return dead migrants to their hometowns. They’d be transported at night lined up on bamboo poles, which would flex as the carriers ran, making the bodies appear to bounce