› added 11 years ago


TIL that pencils are yellow because, in the 1890’s, the world’s best pencil graphite came from China. In China, the color yellow is associated with royalty, so American pencil manufacturers started painting their pencils yellow to indicate they contained high-quality Chinese graphite.

DQxxV TIL Switzerland has a merchant marine force. Switzerland is connected to the ocean via the Rhine and as of 2010 there are 37 ships flying the Swiss Flag.
VMGLQ TIL about the aranmula kannadi, a valuable mirror that reflects with zero distortion. It is thus said to be the truest mirror in the world.
jNJbn TIL 20th Century Fox, convinced that Star Wars was going to flop, agreed to George Lucas’s proposition to forgo an additional $500K directing fee in return to keep licensing and merchandising rights for himself. This decision cost Fox billions and made George Lucas a Billionaire.
0dwK1 TIL of Petra Williams a woman who catfished her niece Marisa online to teach her a lesson on dangers of social media. Marisa brought strange men home she met online. Turns out Marisa was actively looking for someone to murder the family and asked her aunt's fake persona to do it for her.
yQv8e TIL that a man named Joseph Bolitho Johns (Moondyne Joe) escaped prison so many times that a special secure prison was built for him. A confident jailor said "if you get out again, I will set you free". Moondyne escaped that as well. He was caught again two years later but jailor kept his word.