› added 7 years ago


TIL that senator Daniel Webster was offered the office of Vice President by both William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, he did not accept either as he thought the position would lead nowhere, choosing instead to make three failed Presidential campaigns. Both Taylor and Harrison died in office.

4X6y6 TIL of the Brocken Spectre, an atmospheric condition in which the sun casts a person’s shadow onto fog or clouds, making the shadow appear enormous, otherworldly, and ringed with a rainbow halo.
JYV8B TIL that when adapting Jurassic Park from the page to screen, Hammond was changed from a ruthless businessman to a kindly old man, because Spielberg identified with his obsession with showmanship.
W7glL TIL South Korea trained a secret military unit, unit 684, to assassinate North Korea's leader. Civilians were recruited to an island where the harsh training they endured killed 7 members. Desperate to escape, the unit revolted in 1971, killing 18 guards to escape to mainland South Korea.
kOP17 TIL that the Christmas Truces in World War 1 were not official, and most of the higher ranked officers hated them and tried to stop them happening. Including a young Adolf Hitler. The truces happened anyway some lasted only for Christmas morning and some lasted until New Years Day
XEok8 TIL the original board game of "the game of life" was much more depressing than the modern one we know of today. It included the chances of getting Poverty, ruin, Prison time, and even Suicide.